"Attendance 101"
1. The tardy bell rings at 7:45
2. An excuse must be provided for ALL absences
3. Absences do not start over in January. Tardies start over each semester.
4. Being 15 minutes late is considered tardy.
5. All excuses must be submitted to the Attendance Office 2 days (48 hours) upon returning to school.
6. Excuses are accepted before school and after school. Faxed excuses ar accepted as well. Please contact your child's school to obtain their fax number.
7. The following are acceptable excuses: Parent note-1x Doctor's note-1d Legal note-7x Principal Excuse-8x
8. Every student is given 10 parent notes per YEAR. Doctor, legal, and principal notes are excused.
9. Dothan City Schools says "Ten unexcused absences per YEAR may cause failure in the course (school year- depending on the grade of the child)
10. Students are NOT allowed to make up work for unexcused absences.
11. Unexcused absences/skips and excessive tardies will result in attendance conferences, detention, suspension, Early Warning Court and Registration with Juvenile Probation Services & Parent Warrants.
12. Parent Portal is now available to help you monitor attendance.